Monday, October 31, 2011


This class improved my writing and gave me a better understanding and idea about blogging. I enjoy writing about things I find interest in, I also like sharing my opinion and blogging is the perfect way to do that. I enjoyed writing about my taste in fashion and my combat boots. I also enjoyed writing about my weekend and cotton candy :) I didn’t much so like writing about the other blogs, the ones I liked and didn’t like. We all have our own style and personalities that we put into our blogs. Blogging opens people’s views and shares their opinion openly and freely. Other people can view and read others opinions as well, which is awesome! I also find it cool how each and every person has their own form and unique writing style. Blogging in the future could possibly turn huge or just die out I think. Face book and twitter are both pretty much like blogging, talking about their lives and what not. Although, like MySpace everything gets old and overrated at some point, it dies out. They always seam to come up with something new and better. Who knows, next it might be voice sharing. The internet and face book is taking over. Everyone is occupied with this reality that’s not actual reality. It shows what other people are constantly doing. I mean face book is a good way to connect with old and new friends but is it taking over, I believe so. Now, to me... It seams although it is too much and its starting to get old.

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